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Glide Pricing Overview

Glide Pricing Plans
Free plan
Glide has 5 pricing plans, from $0.00 to $799.00. Look at different pricing plans below and see what tier and features meet your budget and needs.
Free plan
/ month
/ month
/ month
/ year
Pricing information for Glide is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. The pricing details were last updated on February 18, 2024 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

Glide Pricing Reviews

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jun 26, 2023
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"I have already recommended this platform to my friends and colleages."
What do you like best about Glide?

Glide is extremely learnable. It has all these tutorials and guides to help you do what you need. Also, if there is something I haven't been able to find, the community forums are beneficial. I picked up Glide as a potential platform to digitize test forms for work, and it has just seeped its way into my personal life and made me realize that no-code platforms are potent tools now.

What do you dislike about Glide?

I can see the pricing schedule being a downer for personal use using the platform for personal reasons that they don't have an alternative. Still, if there is a way for someone to mitigate the costs, or if a cost-benefit analysis proves to be good, then you can see the outcomes of a costly platform in its fit and finish, customer support, and features that seem to get added and updated at least once a month. Glide in December of 2022 is much different than what it is now in June of 2023. It's nice to see where my membership costs go, albeit high.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

I tried Google Forms,, Microsoft Excel (with VBA) and Microsoft Access. I realized that Glide could cover the bases and have integrations that further help data analysis with other no-code or low-code platforms. We originally had test forms on paper that someone had to analyze and put into a spreadsheet visually; then, I was asked to digitize these forms. We already used tablets to take photos of our projects, so it was a no-brainer to have some form on the tablet to combine and streamline the process. Additionally, streamlining the data analysis with coding. and then further expanding the project to have displays to push information through to Power BI. It's been instrumental in providing a platform to create a dynamic and agile form.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Oct 29, 2023
Overall Rating:
William S. avatar
William S.
Chief Operating Officer
"Glide - honestly the single best piece of software I've ever used (that's after 35 years in tech)"
What do you like best about Glide?

Extremely easy to use and learn. Fantastic educational resources with how-to videos and a great certification course. I took the course the first weekend after getting an account and deployed my first app by the Monday AM (the gent who does their training videos is so good, so easy to listen to - great cadence and tone, keeps my attention no matter how long the video). Insanely good user experience. Feature rich - especially around the interface, both in terms of building applications, but also deploying them in a mobile first way. The way they integrated AI into the platform is so smart - I haven't seen another team take nearly as logical an approach. It's a total game changer for things like voice to text, summarization of text and sentiment analysis (to name a few). Great team - I've reached out a few times and each Glider I've interacted with has been fantastic. Strong community of supporters and helpers who believe in the mission and support others around them - something I aspire to start doing soon, which is something I've never done for another tech platform before. Glide, and those around it, are really special.

What do you dislike about Glide?

Very little to be honest. There are a few features, that I expect will come over time - like multi choice sorting (sort by this, then that). Today you can only sort by 1 field. You can't re-sort data in the data editor, only in the layout UI. Same thing with grouping - would love multi-level grouping (group by this, then that). But these are such small nitpicks in terms of the product. I'd love to see a pricing level between business and enterprise - or a way to add things like SSO or 10M row tables to the business plan, for a fee of course. Or simply another value lever to use as a multiplier at the enterprise tier, so one can get the benefits of enterprise and have their costs grow as their use grows - better alignment of cost and value. This is not a dislike - it's more of a wish ... I wish there was an app (like Airtable has) for development, in addition to the web UI. And an ability to develop offline and sync changes when reconnected the way the applications do with data. Airtable doesn't have that ... and for those of us who fly a lot and like to use that time in the air productively, this would be amazing. My last 'wish' - again, not a dislike, just something Airtable did really well was field level permissions. Glide has this killer concept called 'row owner' where a row of data can be associated with a user and only made available to that user (like a filter) so you don't have to create a different apps or tables based on a user or customer who's data you want to keep separate. It's very smart. I wish it extended to the field level, which I realize can be a bit of overhead, but is incredibly powerful and I think somethign that would be really useful as Gliders deploy bigger and more complex enterprise applications.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

All major flows in our business. We evaluated a number of ERP systems, large and small, and decided to go the no-code route and focus on the big flows that drive our business. Sales Orders, Work Orders and Purchase Orders (all integrated to our financial package) ... CRM and Sale Forecasting, Production and QA/QC, Warehousing, Inventory and Shipping ... Customer (Field) Service with Customer Dashboards and Portals. That's just the starter list ...

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jul 14, 2022
Overall Rating:
Julian J. avatar
Julian J.
"The best way to have your own app no coding needed"
What do you like best about Glide?

I have tested several no code apps and they have in my opinion two big problems: not as easy to learn and charge by app. With Glide, we have been able to deploy hundreds of apps using Google Sheets as the base, easy really learning curve, and one fair price for all our apps.

What do you dislike about Glide?

They changed the pricing structure and we were not able to keep doing what we did with Glide for a while. However, I understand we were early users and they have to make money. And the prices are fair

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are a corporate training company and we used to include printed manuals with each workshop. Now, we develop an app with all the information our participants need and no more printing, or distribution costs, and the participant can use the information very easily.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 23, 2023
Overall Rating:
Filippo D.
E Commerce Pm
"Glide - The Minimalist's Dream in App Development"
What do you like best about Glide?

In today's bustling digital age, isn't it a relief to find a tool that values simplicity and efficiency? Glide does precisely that, serving as a breath of fresh air for app development. Ease of Use: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Glide is refreshingly straightforward. Its interface does away with the unnecessary, letting users focus on what truly counts. The drag-and-drop feature, coupled with real-time syncing to Google Sheets, feels effortlessly efficient – like everything's been optimized just right. Community & Support: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Glide's community feels like a bustling marketplace of ideas – think GitHub but for app enthusiasts. It’s a space where users freely swap insights, backed by evolving forums and tutorials. The customer support? Think of them as your go-to tech guardian angels. Affordability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Budget-smart and startup-friendly, Glide nails it in the pricing department. The Free plan is a godsend for initial validation, and as your vision takes flight, the Pro and Business plans are there to match your stride. Overall Thoughts: Glide isn’t just another app development tool; it’s a philosophy. It champions simplicity without compromising on tech prowess. It encourages user innovation, fosters community vibes, and does it all without burning a hole in your pocket. For those who appreciate the elegance of less being more, Glide is a dream come true. Overall Rating: 5/5.

What do you dislike about Glide?

Glide certainly has its merits, but let's pull back the curtain on some areas where it doesn't quite hit the mark. Over-simplicity: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ Glide's mantra of simplicity, its pride and joy, occasionally feels like a double-edged sword. For basic projects, it's a dream. But for those with grander ambitions, aiming to weave intricate functionalities and customizations, Glide can feel somewhat restricting. It’s like being handed a compact toolbox when you were gearing up for a full-fledged workshop. Integration Lock-in: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ The Google Sheets integration is undeniably clever, but also feels a tad limiting. In a world that's leaning into decentralization and open web ideals, having broader options for data sources is a must. It's a bit like being handed the keys to a single room when the promise was of an entire mansion.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

It is allowing me to create in-house software solutions for our small business. Glide is a great companion when it comes to deploying quick solutions for complex problems.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 28, 2023
Overall Rating:
Igor V.
"Enhancing User Experience and Platform Potential"
What do you like best about Glide?

What I appreciate most about Glide is its unparalleled ability to serve as a versatile tool for hypothesis validation, MVP creation, and full-fledged project development. Over my two years of use, I've found that Glide empowers me to swiftly transform ideas into functional applications, enabling efficient iteration and informed decision-making. Its combination of a user-friendly interface, rapid development capabilities, extensive customization options, data integration features, and robust community support make it an indispensable asset in my product management toolkit. - Rapid Prototyping and MVP Creation: Glide's intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets me quickly build Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that I can use to validate hypotheses and gather feedback from stakeholders. This agility is invaluable in the early stages of product development. - Customization and Branding: The platform's extensive customization options allow me to create apps that align with branding and design preferences. This is essential for presenting a professional and cohesive image to users and stakeholders. - Data Integration and Workflows: Glide's ability to integrate with various data sources and create dynamic workflows enhances the functionality of the apps I develop. This is crucial for implementing complex features and delivering meaningful user experiences. - Community and Knowledge Sharing: The vibrant Glide community provides a wealth of resources, from templates to tutorials. Engaging with this community has helped me solve challenges, learn best practices, and discover innovative solutions. - Efficiency in Full-Stack Development: Glide reduces the need for extensive coding, allowing me to focus on the front-end experience while still facilitating connections to backend services. This efficiency accelerates development timelines and reduces the barrier to entry for non-technical creators.

What do you dislike about Glide?

While I find Glide to be an exceptional platform, there are a few areas that I believe could benefit from improvement. Over my two years of use for hypothesis validation, MVP creation, and project development, I've identified some aspects that could be enhanced to provide an even more seamless and effective experience. These areas include the need for more advanced customization options, limitations in handling complex data relationships, occasional performance hiccups, integration challenges with certain external services, and potential limitations in scaling for larger projects. - Advanced Customization Options: While Glide offers solid customization capabilities, more advanced users might require finer control over design elements and layout. Additional tools to tweak CSS or further customize the user interface would be a welcome addition. - Handling Complex Data Relationships: When dealing with intricate data relationships or complex data structures, I've encountered limitations in Glide's ability to handle them seamlessly. Improving the system's ability to manage these scenarios would enhance its versatility. - Performance Consistency: Although Glide is generally fast and responsive, there have been instances where app performance suffered, especially as the complexity of the app increased. Enhancing performance consistency across different app sizes and functionalities would be valuable. - Integration Challenges: While Glide integrates well with several data sources, there have been cases where integration with specific external services proved challenging. A more robust and streamlined process for integrating with a wider range of services could improve the overall integration experience. - Scalability for Larger Projects: While Glide is fantastic for MVPs and smaller projects, it might face scalability challenges when dealing with larger and more complex applications. Optimizing the platform's capabilities to accommodate larger datasets and more intricate workflows would be advantageous.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

Glide addresses a range of challenges that are intrinsic to the realm of product management and development, resulting in substantial benefits for users like me. As I've leveraged the platform for hypothesis validation, MVP construction, and project realization over the past two years, I've observed how Glide has effectively tackled these problems, allowing for streamlined workflows, accelerated development cycles, and informed decision-making. - Rapid Prototyping and Validation: Problem: Traditional development methods often entail time-consuming coding, hindering rapid hypothesis testing and validation. Benefit: Glide empowers swift prototyping and MVP creation, enabling me to validate hypotheses and gather feedback from stakeholders promptly. - Complexity in Development: Problem: Creating apps, especially MVPs, can be complex and resource-intensive, making it challenging to iterate quickly. Benefit: Glide simplifies app development through its user-friendly interface, allowing me to focus on functionality and design without wrestling with intricate code. - Cost and Resource Efficiency: Problem: Developing fully functional apps can be costly in terms of both time and resources, especially for startups or small projects. Benefit: Glide significantly reduces development costs by minimizing the need for extensive coding and expediting the creation of functional apps. - Iterative Refinement: Problem: Traditional development cycles often lack the agility required for rapid iteration and continuous improvement. Benefit: Glide's intuitive platform supports iterative refinement, helping me fine-tune app features and user experiences quickly in response to feedback. - Technical Barrier for Non-Coders: Problem: Not all product managers possess coding expertise, which can create a barrier to developing functional apps. Benefit: Glide empowers non-technical users like me to create apps with ease, breaking down the technical barrier and enabling direct involvement in the app development process.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 26, 2023
Overall Rating:
Alaap K.
"Glide: The Best App Development Tools For The Future"
What do you like best about Glide?

GlideApps makes it incredibly easy to build, test and deploy web-based applications across all devices to your full userbase. Not only is it able to help users with no coding experience to build full-scale apps, but it also allows multipurpose app usage as well: 1) You can build not taking apps 2) You can build inventory management apps 3) You can build team productivity apps And 100s of more while having the ability to integrate different kinds of services like location tracking, OPEN AI's GPT Bot, and even Google Cloud's text-to-speech feature!

What do you dislike about Glide?

Currently, there is absolutely nothing to dislike about GlideApps. The only speed bump I see that could be a potential problem is the increase in pricing. GlideApps is at the perfect price point for any user and their specific purpose. Though they are within the top 5 most expensive no-code builders out there, GlideApps's features, functionality and UI put's the others to dust, including AppSheet. You may feel a pinch paying for GlideApps at first, yet once you start using it to build and deploy, there isn't a fiber of regret for a single penny paid to them.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

GlideApps is helping me build a full stack ERP system for my company at the scale and features of systems like SAP and oracle but for a third of the cost with unlimited users!

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 23, 2023
Overall Rating:
Giovani L. avatar
Giovani L.
"This is the best No Code tool to develop an app"
What do you like best about Glide?

As an avid developer and entrepreneur, I am always on the lookout for tools that can streamline the app development process. Recently, I had the opportunity to explore a revolutionary no-code app development tool called Glide, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations in every aspect. This tool has truly transformed the way I approach app development, and I am excited to share my experience. First and foremost, Glide embraces the concept of empowering creativity. It offers a user-friendly interface with an intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, allowing even those with minimal technical knowledge to create robust and visually stunning applications. The tool eliminates the need for writing complex lines of code, enabling users to focus on their ideas rather than getting caught up in programming intricacies. One of the standout features of this tool is its extensive library of pre-built components and templates. Whether you're developing a mobile app, a web application, or even a complex enterprise solution, this tool offers a vast collection of customizable elements that cater to various industries and functionalities. From login forms and database integrations to advanced UI components and data visualization tools, the possibilities are endless. The ability to rapidly prototype and iterate upon ideas significantly accelerates the app development process. Furthermore, the tool provides seamless integration with popular third-party services and APIs, ensuring that your application can leverage the functionalities of existing systems effortlessly. Whether you need to incorporate payment gateways, social media sharing, or cloud storage solutions, the tool offers a range of integrations that enable you to build feature-rich apps without writing a single line of code. I was particularly impressed by the tool's scalability and performance. It generates clean and optimized code behind the scenes, resulting in apps that are not only visually appealing but also efficient and responsive. The generated code is lightweight, ensuring faster load times and a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms. Moreover, the tool offers excellent collaboration capabilities, allowing multiple team members to work on a project simultaneously. The ability to invite colleagues, share feedback, and track progress in real-time fosters a collaborative environment, making it ideal for both small teams and large enterprises. Customer support is also a crucial aspect to consider, and this tool delivers in that area as well. The dedicated support team is responsive, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist with any queries or issues that may arise during the development process. They also provide extensive documentation and tutorials, enabling users to quickly familiarize themselves with the tool's features and make the most out of their app-building journey. In conclusion, the no-code app development tool I had the pleasure of using has transformed the way I approach app development. Its user-friendly interface, extensive component library, seamless integrations, scalability, and excellent customer support make it a top choice for developers, entrepreneurs, and businesses alike. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this tool empowers you to bring your ideas to life efficiently and without the need for extensive coding knowledge. I highly recommend giving it a try and experiencing the freedom and creativity it offers firsthand.

What do you dislike about Glide?

While the tool claimed to offer seamless integrations with third-party services, I missed the integration with Microsoft tools, like Excel. The integration process was cumbersome and required unnecessary workarounds and manual configurations. This not only hindered the functionality of the apps but also made the development process needlessly complex.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

Glide helps solve several business problems. Here are some key business challenges that a no-code tool addresses: - Speeding up App Development - Reducing Development Costs - Bridging the Skills Gap - Enhancing Agility and Iterative Development - Promoting Collaboration and Communication - Empowering Business Users - Scaling and Customization In summary, Glide helps businesses overcome challenges related to development speed, costs, skills gaps, agility, collaboration, empowerment of business users, and scalability. By leveraging these tools, businesses can streamline app development, reduce expenses, foster innovation, and create customized solutions that align with their specific needs and goals.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 30, 2023
Overall Rating:
Devang .
"Game changing tech to enable lighting fast MVP development independent of developers"
What do you like best about Glide?

What I like best about Glide is its user-friendly interface and the ease of turning spreadsheets into beautiful, functional apps. The drag-and-drop feature makes it extremely easy to design apps, even if you don't have a coding background. The real-time updates from spreadsheets to the app are seamless, which makes data management efficient. Glide's ability to integrate with Google Sheets is also a significant advantage, allowing for easy collaboration and data sharing. The ample template options and customizable features ensure that the app can be tailored to the specific needs of the project. Additionally, the support community is very active and helpful, which is a great resource when running into challenges or looking for inspiration.

What do you dislike about Glide?

Performance issues with larger apps: As the complexity and size of your app grow, there may be some performance issues. Glide can sometimes be slow to load or update apps with large amounts of data. Limited offline functionality: Glide apps need internet access to work optimally. While there is some offline support, it's limited and might not suit all use cases, especially for users who frequently need to work without internet access.

What problems is Glide solving and how is that benefiting you?

Glide is solving several key problems in the realm of operations management and scaling, particularly in the context of creating technology-driven solutions and enhancing transparency. Ease of App Development: Glide simplifies the process of creating mobile applications. As a repackaging business, we have leveraged this platform to develop an operations management app, which enables our teams to monitor and manage our operations without the need for extensive programming expertise. This has significantly reduced the time and resources traditionally required for app development. Real-time Data Management: Glide's integration with Google Sheets allows for real-time data updates. As changes are made in the spreadsheet, they automatically reflect in the app. This feature is particularly useful in our operations where real-time information is crucial for decision-making, problem-solving, and maintaining workflow continuity. Scaling Operations: As our business grows, the ability to quickly and easily update our app to accommodate new processes or scale existing ones is invaluable. Glide’s flexibility and ease of use mean we can adapt our operations app to our needs as they evolve, without having to hire a team of developers or invest in costly software upgrades. Increasing Transparency: Glide has also fostered greater transparency within our operations. By consolidating data from various processes into a single app, we've made it easier for team members to access and understand our operations. This has improved communication, collaboration, and overall efficiency. Additionally, it has enhanced accountability, as actions taken within the app are traceable and visible. Automation and Efficiency: By automating routine tasks and processes through the app, we have been able to streamline our operations, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors. This has increased our operational efficiency and allowed our team to focus on more strategic, value-adding tasks. In conclusion, Glide has been instrumental in our journey towards a more technology-driven and transparent operational structure. It has helped us scale effectively, maintain real-time oversight of our operations, and foster a culture of accountability and efficiency.