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Learnworlds Pricing Overview

Learnworlds Pricing Plans
Free trial
Learnworlds has 4 pricing plans, from $24.00 to $249.00. A free trial of Learnworlds is also available. Look at different pricing plans below and see what tier and features meet your budget and needs.
/ month
Pro Trainer
/ month
Learning Center
/ month
High volume & Corporate
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Pricing information for Learnworlds is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. The pricing details were last updated on February 18, 2024 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

Learnworlds Pricing Reviews

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 13, 2021
Overall Rating:
David R. avatar
David R.
Project Manager Business Development
"Better Student Experience Than The Big 2"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

The user experience for my students/ customers is far better than what Teachable or Thinkific offer. I have dabbled with Thinkific, and I ran a profitable online course business on Teachable for about 6 months. What made me switch? The BIGGEST reason I switched is because of the enrollment process on Teachable. I have my sales page hosted on ClickFunnels and use Zapier automations to enroll my students into my courses. The enrollment process is so unnecessarily complicated on Teachable. Students are sent an automated email from Teachable and they MUST click the verification link in the mail to login to the school. They cannot login any other way. They cannot use the "password reset" button on the login screen until they first click the verification link in that first email. The problem was that sometimes up to 50% of those e-mails would end up in spam. Understandably so because Teachables automated emails look garbage and look like commercial emails - which is exactly what spam filters look for! I had so many angry customers who had paid and were unable to access their course because of this. Learn Worlds makes this all simple with the following features. - Friendly and personal-looking automated email templates which don't go to spam. - But even if the email is ignored, users can still enter their email address and click the password reset button on the login screen to get another email. This new email will have a link for them to reset their password and they'll still be able to login.

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

I have 4 complaints. 1. The direct integration to Active Campaign is far too simplistic.* First of all, Learn Worlds doesn't record student names with separate fields for first and last names. So, with the direct integration with Active Campaign, new users are just automatically added to a general list on Active Campaign. There's no way to tag or sort them automatically based on what product they've purchased or if they're just a free user. To do that, I need to use other solutions such as Zapier which costs more. 2. The feature to create finely sorted or filtered user lists is only available on their more expensive $300 plan.* But at that price, Kajabi seems like a much better option. Their mid tier plan at $80-100/month is comparable to similarly priced plans on Teachable and Thinkific. Both of those alternatives offer much more intricate filtering and sorting of users which can be exported as CSV lists. For example, say you have multiple courses, and you want to get a list of your users who are enrolled in Course A and B, but not in C. You cannot use the basic user list filters in LearnWorlds to do that. But this is very easily doable on Teachable and Thinkific. 3. It needs to be far easier to make a streamlined sales funnel. Without it, I'm still going to prefer to use something like ClickFunnels for the simple 1-click upsells and downsells. If this was on the premium $300 plan, I'd see the value in it. But otherwise, the top tier plan is just too much money for too few meaningful benefits. 4. Another reason I have my sales funnel page on a different platform is because LearnWorlds doesn't integrate with PayPal to take subscription payments.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

1. The user interface on LearnWorlds is so much smoother and faster to navigate on both the student and admin side. Both Teachable and Thinkific were clunky and had slow load times with each click, both for students and on the admin dashboard. 2. Branding. Teachable is the WORST when it comes to this. Having a branded online school is more than just removing the host company's logo or watermark. It's also about how much you can customize the student's user interface.Teachable schools always look and feel like Teachable schools. On top of that, no matter what plan you're on, students are always asked if they want to log in with their "school account" or their "myTeachable" account. On LearnWorlds, your school is completely free of LearnWorlds' branding. And because it's still not as mainstream as Teachable or Thinkific, even your students won't know it's a LearnWorlds school. 3. You can build a whole website on LearnWorlds. So, you can have all your blog pages, etc. on the same website and your school can be directly integrated into your blog, rather than have it on a different domain. The website builder is far more comprehensive than Teachable's and Thinkific's. You can create far more aesthetic and modern looking websites on LearnWorlds than on Teachable or Thinkific. Again, Teachable is the worst in this area. Teachable's webpages at best look like something from the 90's 4. On Teachable, paypal payments are held for 1 month before being paid out. On LearnWorlds they're paid out instantly. 5. On LearnWorlds it's far simpler to create subscription courses or packages, or even one-off purchase bundles. 6. If you run live lessons on Zoom, the course player on LearnWorlds directly integrates with Zoom. You can create and schedule Zoom sessions directly from the course content builder in your LearnWorlds Admin Dashboard.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jul 30, 2022
Overall Rating:
Justin C. avatar
Justin C.
"I was initially excited and relieved I had found LearnWorlds..."
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

Prior to figuring out what LMS even is, and then having it dawn on me to simply compare LMS sites that offer a platform for online startups, I was going back and forth with one much smaller LMS site for probably about six months. I don't want to hurt that company, so I'll leave out their name, but where they went wrong was actually in their approach to customer service. At any rate, I even later found ones in Russia; all over really. Maybe more than 15 in total? So, when I say I was initially relieved and excited, it was for a reason. When I first saw what LearnWorlds offered in terms of design, I thought it was going to be too expensive. Most of the previous sites I had found didn't even know how to explain in layman's terms what they offered. Seriously! For instance, do you want your users to think they are on your site and not on another? With these guys, that's exactly what you can decide. As in, your web address doesn't change. To the end user, it all appears to be [your site]. No extra cost, nothing. Just to get that simple piece of information as a layman... isn't as simple as it sounds. Think about it: You have a company or business you're setting up, and so you want a new internet site for it. Where do you start? Tilda? Wix? Paying like 50k to a team of developers? 50k could be cheap, depending on what you need! Here, it's all there, right out of the box. Will you need a payment terminal? Will you need your clients to have their own, personal accounts? What about something like internal messaging? How about a newsfeed? What about billing your clients? How about whether the design format of the site fits your product or service? What about even choosing the design format of your site in a simple 1, 2, 3; A, B, C fashion? With them, it's really like that. As well, some other LMS sites are much too big for most people's needs. As in "the university of Cambridge" too big. What I like best about LearnWorlds (and I wish I could find a more genuine way to say this) really is the entire thing. Their prices are really good(!), their team is really cool (I promise!), and what they offer is actually well-done! What sucks about reviews today is that they can simply be bought to make the service seem better than it genuinely is. Or, in a lot of cases, what reviews really do is just tell future prospective customers that "the product has arrived..." (where their excitement only tells us that the company is not a scam rather than how well the product works, what it's like, etc). My first month with them was free, and I found out I have my own coach that you can video call basically at any time. Mine is Artemis, who just saved me $1800. I had contacted her to ask if I could hire her team to finish the rest of the work for me because I don't have a lot of time, and she said "you can do that if you want: here's the price and here's what you'll get in ten days, but honestly you don't really need it because you're nearly there." Think about how many companies would basically [never] tell you that... but instead just pocket the $1800 to walk you a few feet across the finish line. In their case, the finish line isn't after a marathon, but they shrink that marathon down into just a few city blocks. When it's not necessary to do video calls or the like (if you have questions that are simple "1, 2, 3 type" stuff), you just ask and you get your answer in like 30 minutes, maybe an hour tops. It's by email when it's like that, but the emails are really clear (with pictures, arrows etc., and it's a real person that speaks perfect English. --I'm a professor of English, so, my statement is qualified). In short, don't waste your time reading more of my review, just go see them for yourself and even compare them to other LMS sites. You'll see: Very reasonable and very nice product. Even if there are other companies I didn't find, well then there are some other good companies out there. Surprise surprise. In that case, this is one of those companies!

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

There were a few minor changes I wanted to make here or there that weren't as easy to change as I would have liked, but what I did like about them is that my customer success manager (that's what they call them, I like to think of her more as a coach) tried to find a workaround so that it would be easier. I honestly can't think of anything else I haven't liked.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

They are solving the problem of having an idea (wanting an online business) and trying to execute it on my own (when in reality, it could cost countless thousands of dollars and be really complicated). Don't believe me, try it on your own. You'll meet countless people that give you different price quotes; countless sites that offer you the service of finding different professionals... you'll need special usage dictionaries to help you learn what the professions you need are even called... Knowing where to start takes a lot of backtracking and a lot of time and money. I lost over $1500 paying various professionals on Tilda to do stuff that with them is just another part of their service.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 12, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"LearnWorlds - A Budget Friendly Platform With Amazing Flexibility and Value"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

LearnWorlds flexibility is unmatched in this industry. It allowed us to turn their platform into a corporate training powerhouse that holds all our company knowledge. With constant updates and new features, the value of LearnWorlds is unlike any other competitors in this space. The even have a fully fledged website builder right in the platform. Allowing you to create a great looking site that is also extremely functional. Not to mention their support team is fantastic. I can get real answers from their dev team within days about bug fixes, requesting new features, and helpful knowledge on how to leverage their product to the fullest. I love LearnWorlds!

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

A new feature has recently squashed one of the only dislikes I had. I was able to import SCORM packages, but LearnWorlds could not log the scores, attempts, or pass/fail results of the packages. Starting today, they have implemented graded SCORMs which means if LearnWorlds doesn't have the quiz question or interactive training tool I need, I can quickly go out and build one myself with something like iSpring or purchase a SCORM compliant course and plug it right in. This brings LearnWorlds to a whole new level.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

Our main goal was to create a training website for our company. At first, all we wanted to do was place PDFs and videos into a central location for our staff. Now since we have most of our team working remotely due to the pandemic, it has turned into our primary tool to interact with employees. Whether it is confirming agreements, providing compliance information, training our team, or just holding onto helpful documents, LearnWorlds is now a one-stop shop for everything at our company. You rarely find a product that is so flexible yet so reasonably priced. At $99 a month, you can do 90% of everything we need. The extra 10% comes at $300 a month but provides additional instructors, unlimited SCORM uploads, and many extra tools to provide a better experience to our users. Compare this to other LMS platforms with a similar base fee but minimal features, and LearnWorlds is clearly the winner. Compared to the more expensive options that usually cost 3-5 dollars per user, LearnWorlds still comes out on top. The ability to host a school for $300 a month that serves 50+ courses and countless documents to our team of over 500 users is why LearnWorlds is the best.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 27, 2023
Overall Rating:
Kim C. avatar
Kim C.
"The Many Reasons I Love Learnworlds"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

I discovered Learnworlds about a year ago, when I decided to make the switch from a different online school platform. I had no idea what I was missing out on. Here is what I love about using Learnworlds: 1. A fun, user-friendly design platform: They have built an intuitive platform that anticipates my needs as an instructor/administrator. They have capabilities that I didn't even realize I needed and that make course creation a fun experience! 2. Nice people: The support team is so friendly and responsive -- they have helped me so much as I built out my school. They have been super patient, no matter how much support I need. I feel like I have a development team by my side, so I don't get stuck on any confusing user setup issues. 3. Top-notch design templates: This school looks so professional. Sleek interactive designs. Easy-to-use templates. Blows away other online learning platforms. 4. Email automation! This is a game-changer. I no longer have to set up new emails for every new course launch. I can automate everything in the course ~ one and done! So simple and saves me so much time. PLUS...they integrate user tags with your general email service, so it's a breeze to keep track of your students. 5. Website, blog, and landing pages: Learnworlds lets you build out a full website -- including landing pages (with no header or footer for sales pages - yay!), a blog to populate with tons of content and SEO searchability...you can create pretty much any kind of page you want to support your work. So flexible and smart that I considered getting rid of my main website all together. 6. Student community: Learnworlds comes with a learners section, built-in social media, and inbox for students to correspond to each other. This is super helpful in building community and not forcing folks to use social media. 7. Pretty much anything you can think of, they have thought of: So many little touches, pricing options, custom site language, and settings are really helpful to provide a completely customizable experience. And they don't force you to upgrade to get the tools you need. Much appreciated! 8. They listen to your requests: If you see something you need that they haven't thought of, they actually take your feedback and build in new updates on a regular basis! So cool to be heard and know that the founders/designers are listening to what their customers want. I feel like I could go on and on. They gave me so many cool ideas and leading-edge tools that I have totally leveled up my business. Here's the long and short of it: Learnworlds is an excellent platform, run by a top-notch, innovative, and *caring* team. You couldn't ask for a better partner as you build out your dreams!

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

What would I like to see more of in LearnWorlds? I would to see them build out the social network more, so that students get email notifications of all posts. Right now it's up to the user to check in, unless they are directly tagged or messaged, so folks miss things. The social network is definitely helpful, but I feel like there is some untapped potential there.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

Creating an affordable, easy-to-use, professional, interactive learning environment for my students

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 22, 2018
Overall Rating:
Teya B.
Teacher: Digital Illustration
"Perfect Balance between quality and $$$"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

For me the right balance between price and quality is really important when I'm purchasing any product. I take my time to research and compare all options before choosing the one that gives the most. For that reason I often times prefer the new players on the market - they give me the most innovations and best service at the most affordable prices. LearnWorlds was the online courses platform that definitely gave me the most fuctionality for the best price.

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

I don't really have anything that I dislike about it.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

Learn Worlds are constantly working to make the life of their clients easier. I love that they made for us the complicated GDPR regulation just a matter of a few clicks. They are also small business friendly. loved that when I'm into the beginnig stages of my business I can pay only $5 per sale instead of percentage of the course price. I feel supported in every step and this is really important to me.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 19, 2021
Overall Rating:
Nicky J.
"Learnworlds has helped me build an Amazing Academy"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

I can't say enough about how happy I am to have discovered LW for building my school and community. I had tried several other options and was almost in the process of going with one of them (first Mighty Networks then Thinkific), and LW blows them both out of the water. LW offers a lot of flexibility and options to get a good-looking school up and running without having to know coding and the wealth of the support material is amazing. Their support is second to none - they are fast, helpful, thorough and patient and their feedback, in addition to solving the problem almost always gives me some new ideas and suggestions I did not have before. They are constantly adding new features to help attract new people and it is straightforward to build great-looking courses and sell them. I like that they also give lots of options for types of courses, and that they are open to passing suggestions on to their product team. I feel LW really cares about their product and their customers.

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

There is nothing I dislike. I would like there to be an undo/redo option for updating and adding text. I would also like a way of saving sections already designed so that when I change them, I can quickly populate them with my existing content instead of having to do everything again. I feel that there is a huge gap between the Pro and the next level for some features and I am unsure of the justification. For example, site flavours and interactive videos could be accessible either on the Pro level or perhaps a level in between. Some of the personalization aspects in settings are only available with the upgrade, but the upgrade is more than challenging to justify right now as I am starting out. I would not call these a "dislike" however, simply observations.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

It has helped me build a community and school off of distracting social media and extend my business in the way that feels right for me. It's opened my eyes to more creative possibilities. It's allowing me to bring together content and community in a way that's unique to me, with room to experiment and expand my vision. I hope I will stay with LW longterm.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 29, 2023
Overall Rating:
Geoff R. avatar
Geoff R.
"Beyond my expectations - recommended without hesitation"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

I have worked with a number of learning platforms (Docebo, EdCast). They were good, but I have found Learn Worlds to be a perfect fit for my business. The functionality is intelligent and focused on a clean UX. The platform is very easy to work with - both in terms of no-code design but also in terms of the flexibility. The Academy is excellent so it makes picking up new functionality a breeze. The support has been amazing. Raise a ticket and you'll have feedback very quickly. They are so proactive.

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

The only thing (for a small business) the price jump to the Learning Centre and Apps is material. It's worth it for what you get, but for a pre-revenue business that is funded on PA, it's an investment. But let me reiterate, the cost is worth it.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

The platform has allowed me to get to market very quickly. The UX is clean. The App development and support are excellent. I would like to see more use of recommendation engines to deliver personalized content to users

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Feb 03, 2021
Overall Rating:
Chris T. avatar
Chris T.
"Absolutely stellar support"
What do you like best about Learnworlds?

I was an early adopter of LWs a few years ago, but family matters required I take time away. When I was ready to start a new venture, I took a brief detour to Thinkific. Deeply disappointed with the inflexibility of its site builder and the frequency of “hire a coder” as the sole solution to nearly every problem, I came back to LWs. I've never looked back. I built a complex membership site at LWs and their team has been incredibly responsive to my endless requests and questions - always gracious and genuine. I knew I was talking to human beings who were NOT responding from scripts, as is the fashion these days. So, as I celebrate the launch of my new business, I not only feel relief and anticipation, but also confidence that I am not alone; that I have a whole team of people behind me, helping to ensure my success. That feeling is priceless.

What do you dislike about Learnworlds?

The few tiny design annoyances are so minor as to be irrelevant. They made good on every promise.

What problems is Learnworlds solving and how is that benefiting you?

I pushed their site builder to its limits with multiple custom pages and special functions. I didn’t have to compromise on anything.