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Skylum Luminar Neo
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Skylum Luminar Neo Pricing Overview

Skylum Luminar Neo Pricing Plans
Skylum Luminar Neo has not provided pricing information for this product. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Contact Skylum Luminar Neo to obtain current pricing.
Pricing information for Skylum Luminar Neo is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials.

Skylum Luminar Neo Pricing Reviews

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oct 16, 2021
Overall Rating:
Samuel K.
"Great Editing Software, Comparable to Competitors"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

I would like to start off this review of Luminar by expressing how grateful I am to have discovered such a wonderful editing platform, due to a combination of reliability, simplicity of use, as well as pricing. When compared to competing software, Luminar has just gone above and beyond when it comes to these three factors, at least in my opinion. Namely, when I used to create and participate in document editing using the aforementioned competing software, I would experience lagging and buffering on a regular basis. Occasional technical difficulties are completely understandable, but not at the rate at which my team and I used to experience it prior to the onset of Luminar being used for such tasks. Over time, the lagging and buffering just became too much of a roadblock in our projects, inhibiting what could have been seamless progress towards the completion of whatever project(s) we were working on as a team. As such was the case, it became the responsibility of a select number of teammates, including myself, to work on finding a better platform on which to operate. In stepped Luminar, and I cannot express in more glowing words how glad we are that we found this program. Lagging and buffering is a thing of the past, (outside of a few glitches here and there). We are now able to work on a daily basis without worrying that our progress would be impeded by a lackluster software. I would also like to expand on Luminar's simplicity of use, as I find that to be important for accessibility purposes, (and Luminar does a fantastic job of making the simple use of its software evident). As a team that prides itself on working with a disabled individual, we find this aspect to be very important and for that same reason, we are very appreciative of the fact that Luminar makes its software hassle-free to use regardless of prior experience, (or lack thereof), or other challenges that might have prevented someone from using, say, a competing software. Lastly, I would like to point out the great pricing structure that Luminar offers its users. Depending on its intended use, frequency of use, and number of participants, there are plans that can fit anyone's budget. When compared to the pricing of competing software mentioned previously in this review, the choice as to which program to use should become evident right away - and this is without even considering the quality of Luminar’s services, which are just as, if not more, important. With all this being said, I think it would come as no surprise that I would absolutely recommend this service to anyone who is interested in trying out a new platform on which to edit documents for both professional and personal purposes.

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

After carefully considering the ins and outs of what Luminar has to offer, I was not shocked when it turned out that I could barely think of one aspect of the service that could be further worked upon in order to satisfy users, that being the reliability of the software when working on certain tablets. Most of my team members, including myself, rely on our Windows or Mac laptops in order to participate in editing, but there are times during which certain members, whose primary device is a tablet, are on the go and are not able to follow suit in using a laptop to work at the time. When this is the case, our team has noticed that the individuals using the aforementioned tablets experience reliability issues on a more regular scale than their laptop-using counterparts. While this is definitely not a reason as to why Luminar should be abandoned, I do think that it can be looked into and worked on for further improvement. Our team believes that this issue is a bit more attributable to the software itself and not the tablets in question. In order to work around such issues, the team member(s) using the tablets typically resort to restarting their devices, which seems to solve the issue. Other than that one small aspect, I really cannot think of anything else that can be further worked on in order to improve a Luminar user's experience as a whole, and that is saying a lot, (in a good way).

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

As can probably be extrapolated via the praise given to Luminar thus far in this review, one would probably not be surprised to learn that my team and I have been able to solve a multitude of problems and have been able to realize a number of benefits as a result of using Luminar, most of which have already been mentioned earlier, but due to their importance will be reiterated here as well. Connective reliability is a major win for users of Luminar, as my whole team can attest to. We have experienced team productivity increase several-fold since the onset of our use of Luminar, since we no longer have to work on fixing technical difficulties in order to finish our tasks. While that one fact alone is enough in and of itself to attract new users, I would again like to reiterate the simplicity of use associated with this software, making it accessible to both individuals with certain disabilities as well as individuals who are not particularly well-versed in modern technology or simply have not used this particular software ever before. All individuals seem to acquire a quick grasp of how to use Luminar, and that also contributes to team productivity, as it is not necessary to spend lots of time figuring out how to use the program, (this time can instead be used towards the progression of whatever project is being worked on). Lastly, we have experienced less stress on our team budget, as we have cut expenses on the software, yet acquired better quality service at the same time. All in all, this is a fantastic service, and I can guarantee with the utmost amount of certainty that new users will be pleased just as much as my team and I have been.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jul 13, 2021
Overall Rating:
Alessandro S. avatar
Alessandro S.
Free Lance Translator
"An excellent piece of software, but won't run well on Windows machines"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Excellent photo editing capabilities, good price

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Subpar performance on Windows machines, you need to wait

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

I'm using the latest Luminar AI. It's an excellent software to edit images, apply various effect, and the likes, it does help you if you want to edit your pics at a professional level or even just if you want to impress your friends or your Instagram followers. It's a great software for purposes like posting images to a blog, or having fun with your vacation photos. A big plus is that it's available as a one-off payment, opposed to all today's subscriptions which I'm trying to eliminate as we all have too many of them. Unfortunately, the performance on Windows machine is subpar. I'm using a Samsung high-end notebook with 16GB of RAM, but the software is terribly slow in pretty much everything, especially on exporting photos, but at least you can have a sandwich while you wait for the export to be completed. I've read on the Luminar community forums that on Mac, the performance is much better, especially on the machines with the new Apple M1 chip, but as I'm a Windows user, I can't really confirm/deny this. It's certainly worth a try, but you need to be patient. I'm always short on time and sometimes it gets me frustrated with its slowness, but in general, I think it's a very good software and I haven't found a better product yet which is not Adobe Lightroom, which is however too costy for my use (amateur). For a pro, it's probably better to stick with Adobe products, they are more costy, but they work better, at least on Windows.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 19, 2021
Overall Rating:
Sam B.
"Top Notch Customer Service"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Lifetime license - you only need to purchase this once and for a relatively low price. Extremely responsive customer service - they answered my emails within the hour.

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Aurora HDR is an additional cost, and installation was a little tricky. Thankfully, tech support was able to assist me with my issue pretty quickly.

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

Imagination. I love the options within this product - it has made me think of entirely new ways to process photos. The creativity is endless.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 20, 2024
Overall Rating:
André G.
"Good Software with good support"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

ease of use, good quality, good price !!

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

too big choice of presets if you are a beginner

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

I was looking for a software with a one time fee similar to lightroom

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Feb 08, 2024
Overall Rating:
Richard T.
"Fantastic technical support"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar Neo is a software that is easy to understand and can do so much when you learn how to handel all the function that it can do. The artificial intelligence is very easy to use and the result are so great. The technical service that come with that software is the best you can wish for. When asking a question to the technical service they always say that you will receive an answer in 24 hours max. but I always received my answer between 4 and 6 hours. I had software for editing picture that cost me a fortune but the technical service was so bad that I hated to have to ask a question. Poeple at the technical service are fast, very polite and they always check if the solution they gave you solved your problem. I don't know any software company that has a tecnical service as good as Skylum. What ever the question they are always ready to help you. As for the software I was expecting to have something complicated after reading all what it can do and it was the opposite. Realy well made and easy to use. More you learn more you find out it can do more. One of the great thing before I forget the price is super for the quality of the software.

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

After using it since it arrive on the market I do not have anything I dislike about it. One little thing to say but I don't think it goes in the dislike category is I whish that the software could open a little bit faster but depending on your computer it might be faster on a more recent computer so for me it is not I dislike item.

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

In my family we are 4 that are using Luminar Neo so we bought 4 seats ( serial number) and we also bought 4 Pro pack. One morning I open my Luminar Neo and all my items for the pro pack were missing. I went into my account and I did not see anything wrong so I send a message to technical service explaning the problem and beleived it or not the same day my problem was solved and everything missing was back. They also took the time to explain the procedure if something like that happend again but it was the first time I had that kind of problem since I started to use Neo.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 30, 2021
Overall Rating:
Scott C. avatar
Scott C.
Senior Software Engineer
"Excellent one-time cost alternative to Lightroom"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is perfect for any budget. It's full of all the features I use with Lightroom without the hassle and cost of licenses with other software. I can quickly manage my photoshoots and apply corrections across multiple photos.

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar lacks some premium capabilities that Lightroom has, but overall it has everything that fits my needs.

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

Luminar helps primarily with my photoshoot management and organization. I can bulk process photos that would be cumbersome with other photo editing software or operating system UIs.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 11, 2021
Overall Rating:
Rhonda B. avatar
Rhonda B.
Ui/Ux Design
"State of the Art Photo Editing Software"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar Professional image editor uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Photography and portrait to increase the quality and value of your images. Luminar enables everyone simply fun image editing

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar makes it easy for everyone to edit their images with Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is best software for image editing in Photography and portrait enhancements and I have zero complaints.

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

Luminar Artificial Intelligence (AI) delivers professional results and maximize the quality and value of your photography. Luminar increases your productivity and business performance

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 28, 2023
Overall Rating:
Bilal A.
"Promising start but fell short"
What do you like best about Skylum Luminar Neo?

The range and variety of presets is really the selling point. The raw processing power assisted with AI also helps to set the starting point quite quickly. The masking technology is on par with big giants like Adobe,

What do you dislike about Skylum Luminar Neo?

Speed, slow rendering of photos. Although the developers claim the speed to be improved, its still the weakest point of the system. Slow Real-time feedback for a change is killing the overall user experience.

What problems is Skylum Luminar Neo solving and how is that benefiting you?

Alot of my photos are taken in general setting where not much processing is required. The presets and quick AI features get these images to a respectable point quite fast. Quick to share with friends and family.