SaaS Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) Calculator

Calculate your Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) below by providing your total revenue and the total number of users.

What is your total revenue?
How many users do you have?

Your ARPU is:


ARPU Calculator FAQ

What is ARPU?

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is a measure of the revenue generated per user or unit. It is a key metric for SaaS companies and other subscription-based businesses.

How do I calculate Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)?

ARPU is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of users. The formula is: ARPU = Total Revenue / Number of Users

Why is ARPU important?

ARPU helps businesses understand the average revenue generated from each user, which is essential for assessing the efficiency of revenue generation and identifying potential areas for growth.

What are some strategies for increasing ARPU?

Some strategies for increasing ARPU include up-selling and cross-selling to existing customers, introducing new pricing tiers, enhancing the value of the product or service, and improving customer retention.